Here’s a quick walk the talk story for today: Rob was a professional level employee in a very large organization that had a clear and well communicated values statement – the stated culture more or less. One of those values was Act Like an Owner and included stewardship of resources and accountability.
Rob and his fellow worker bee team members traveled a lot. They all endeavored to find the lowest air fares and often shared hotel rooms in order to act like owners of the business.
One day, Rob discovered the travel plans of his boss’s boss on the shared printer in their work area. The first class air travel and hotel suite were a very different interpretation of acting like an owner than Rob had been using.
Never again did Rob worry about being careful with the company’s resources.
Would love to know what you think about stated vs. actual company cultures. Share your thoughts in the comment section.
My goal is to write 30 blog posts in 30 days the month of September.