I recently attended the awesome Revenue Rocks coaching conference and want to give a big shout out to Michele Woodward, Nona Jordan, Jeanette Maw and Fabeku Fatunmise for generously sharing what they know and do.
We talked about the idea that the kind of energy you bring forth affects the outcomes that you get.
This means you need to process the stuff from your past that may not have turned out like you wanted or may even have been painful until there is no negative charge associated with whatever happened. The goal is to neutralize that negative energy. Past stuff can include many things – relationships, career, jobs, your money legacy, your family, etc.
I work with people on career growth and management – leadership issues. It is not unusual for someone to be hung up by the way their last job unraveled or by the after effects of a cruel, crazy former boss who did a number on them. I can definitely empathize having had a range of work experiences myself. But, to be a great employee or manager or put your best self forward in a job search you’ve got to clean up those bad feelings.
Here are a few ways to neutralize negative energy:
- talk it out with a trusted friend or family member
- write it up, in detail
- write a letter to the person you feel wronged by (not necessary or even advisable to mail it)
- read what you’ve written aloud until the charge is gone or burn it or bury it
- ask God to help you be free of it
- meditate on it with the intention of letting go
- really examine your thoughts and work to change them
If you’re not having luck getting past your past, a good coach can help. Sometimes an experience is so traumatic that working with a mental health professional is a better option.
How do you know when you’ve succeeded? You are probably done with the past if you can tell the story aloud in a generic, no-intensity way. And once you are there, Congratulations! Moving forward will be much easier.
What do you think?