In these days of rapid change and employment uncertainty, it can be tough to know exactly what your next career move should be. As a career coach, I help people from every level and across industries grow their careers, evolve as leaders, and find personal/professional balance. I work with people as they search for employment and explore career options. When a job is causing pain, I provide support as clients take the steps required to move into a rewarding and satisfying situation.
During my years as university faculty and advisor, I coached hundreds of students as they made career choices and transitioned from student to graduate to first job. I continue to coach former students who are now midcareer.
Process: All career coaching is tailored to your needs. Based on our initial conversation, we will determine areas of focus and next steps. I may ask you to complete an assessment(s) or do an exercise(s). The process may include a resume review to ensure it stands out or a mock interview experience that is recorded so you can listen to your answers. Listening to yourself is a powerful way to improve interview performance. Coaching may also include creation of a networking strategy, job search support, personal branding, brainstorming opportunities, evaluation of your strengths, testing & trying new approaches, and/or other development activities depending on your situation/goals. You can learn more about my coaching philosophy and how it works here.
Price: $150/hr or 5/hrs for $600
Schedule a no cost, initial consult here.
I offer a variety of specialized services designed to support people as their careers evolve:
Career Invention: The goal of career invention coaching is to get you really clear on the work you want to be doing in your life. It may be a continuation of what you have done thus far or it may be something completely different. You’ll take a deep and intense look inside and let that guide your next moves via a four step process.
Interview Coaching: All coaching is tailored to your needs. Based on our initial conversation, we will determine areas of focus and next steps. I provide a mock interview experience that is recorded so you can listen to your answers which is a powerful way to improve interview performance. We will focus on interview prep, finding your story, and responses to general, situational, technical, case-based, and behavioral questions. Coaching may also include tips for company research, body language, storytelling, follow-up, negotiation, networking, reducing anxiety, personal branding, finding opportunities, identifying your strengths, testing & trying new approaches, and/or other activities depending on your situation/goals.
First 90 Coaching: The purpose of first 90 coaching is to provide support and to help you navigate your new organization and/or new assignment in the initial 90 days. First 90 can help you hit the ground running, create a plan of specifics to accomplish during the first three months, and ease the transition for all involved. Ongoing sessions provide continuing support, guidance and motivation.
What’s Next: This is a small group coaching experience that includes others who are also considering what’s next. It is an intensive six-week program, comprised of six 90-minute meetings, some homework, plus virtual support during the week. The process starts with an examination of your strengths, values, priorities, passions, goals and desires. Goal is to get clear and figure out productive next steps. A plan for action is the takeaway.
Unless otherwise specified the price for all coaching is $150/hr or 5/hrs for $600.
I would love to help you as you grow your career. Thirty-minute initial consultations are no charge. In that first meeting, we can talk and determine if working together will be beneficial. To schedule an initial consultation or to learn more about my coaching and consulting services, call me at (225) 266-4064 or email me. Or click here to schedule an appointment.
Copyright © 2017 Laura Wolfe Coaching & Consulting, LLC.