My business now has a mantra. According to Wikipedia, a mantra is a ‘sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of “creating transformation”.’ This mantra came to me a few weeks back while presenting to Acadiana SHRM, which was great fun as they are an awesome group. I was talking about employee engagement and whether it’s the intrinsic or the extrinsic stuff in the workplace that really engages people. I think it is both.
But here is the kicker: Research has found that the immediate supervisor is the factor that most impacts employee satisfaction, commitment and engagement. When I was talking to ASHRM about this, Cultivate’s mantra became clear: Better Managers. I want my work to contribute to personal and organizational transformation through better supervisors and managers.
I have believed for a very long time that managers’ influence is profound. Yes, supervisors affect the bottom line and in the course of their work, juggle many tasks. But, in my opinion, what is most important is how supervisors affect the lives of their direct reports. You have worked for good managers; you have worked for bad managers. You know what a difference it makes.
Rotten people managers create a pretty dim quality of life for employees which in turn impacts their personal lives including spouses, kids, and communities. Great people managers make their people feel better, even in tough industries, situations and economies.
I am not suggesting the focus be on the employee experience at the expense of company outcomes. What I’m saying, and the research supports it, is better managers create better employee experiences and desired results follow.
Bad management manifests in many ways and a recent post in HBR Blog Network points out that it takes many forms. Often the action taken or the inaction is because the manager just doesn’t know what to do. Fortunately, training and development can enhance management quality.
So what does the mantra Better Managers mean?
- You need to be a better manager. Great managers have a continuous improvement mindset and are always working to improve.
- You need to be developing your people to be better managers.
- You need to be working for a good manager. If you aren’t, you are probably looking for a better opportunity.
Better Managers. Better Managers. Better Managers. Repeat the mantra with me and let’s create transformation.
Better Managers: I can help you with that.
What do you think?