Research by University of North Carolina’s Barbara Fredrickson counted how often both positive and negative statements were used in sixty companies’ business meetings and found better financial performance in those with more positives (when > three positives for one negative). Fredrickson’s career has focused on positive emotions and outcomes and her findings are fascinating.
This research caught my eye because I just attended BRAC’s BIG THINK where I was again* struck by the positivity of entrepreneurs. Not that their paths were adversity free. No, not at all. One told the story of unexpectedly getting stuck with a quarter million dollars worth of inventory but ultimately figuring out how to turn it into a positive.
All this got me thinking about the work of Jeanette Maw and Esther Hicks and Martha Beck and the idea that what you think becomes. It does seem to happen that way in my life.
And this led finally to considering the most effective way for me to shift my thinking from negative to positive – which is to remember and be thankful for all that I have. Gratitude works. Here’s more.
How handy to have a holiday specifically focused on doing just that.
So if you haven’t been living in an energetically positive state, this is the perfect week to control+alt+delete. Plus, the food is pretty incredible.
How does being positive happen for you? Share your thoughts in the comment section.
* I’ve written before about the mindset of entrepreneurs and their incredible energy; it’s powerful being around them.