Managers and leaders make a gigantic difference to an organization’s success and their development needs to begin early on. Support for new supervisors is usually intended but often seems to slip through the cracks. Those new to the role typically want to do well but can quickly become overwhelmed by everything they suddenly need to do.
That’s why I was pleased to discover an excellent resource for new supervisors – the Transitioning into Leadership Series from the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL). The first installment – “It’s Not About Me. It’s Me & You.” How Being Dumped Can Help First-Time Managers – is now available. This whitepaper by CCL’s Bill Gentry examines mindset and includes tips for addressing skills gaps in four key leadership competencies: communication, influence, leading team achievement, and coaching & developing others.
CCL’s mission is To advance the understanding, practice and development of leadership for the benefit of society worldwide and is a great place to find cutting edge leadership research, development ideas, and practices. This new series for first time supervisors promises more of the same. For leadership development on the go, get the CCL app on itunes.
Would love to know what you think about developing new supervisors. Please comment below.
My goal is to write 30 blog posts in 30 days the month of September.
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